The Tooth Fairy Surprise

My son lost a tooth yesterday. He is ten and it is the second tooth this week. Earlier in the week, he lost a small tooth and the Tooth Fairy left him a dollar. The tooth came out easily and there was not much fanfare. Yesterday, however, he lost a molar, it bled copiously, and he had to go to the nurse at school. He proudly brought the tooth home in a little plastic treasure chest. His first molar lost.

Last night, my husband was on the phone, but walked over to me and whisper-indicated to me that he had "communicated" with the Tooth Fairy, all was taken care of, and my services were not necessary in the matter. This morning, this is what my son and I found. Three quarters. Seriously. Seventy-five cents. My son's smallest dental pay day to date. 

"I would have thought it would have gone for at least $1.25," he said sadly. "This seems weird."

I can only assume that the Tooth Fairy was extremely busy and had one of his not-so-bright assistants take care of my son's tooth. I am guessing the assistant was a man, but that is only based on what I know of the sorry tale.

When I presented my concern to my husband over his "communication" with the Tooth Fairy, he said, "Perhaps the Tooth Fairy's Supervisor fell down on the job." I did not realize the Tooth Fairy is micromanaged by a higher upper. I have learned my lesson.

My husband's suggestion is that my son write a polite complaint letter to Tooth Fairy Customer Service. Perhaps the ACTUAL Tooth Fairy will respond with proper valuation on such an important tooth. My son's suggestion of $1.25 seems much more reasonable. We will see if Customer Service responds or leaves us hanging, like another under appreciated loose tooth.